Material Analysis Capabilities
At Luma we have a well equipped laboratory for testing and development. In our laboratory we carry out various wet chemistry, physical and thermal reports as well as corrosion testing.
You are welcome to discuss with our chemists on how we could assist you to meet your requirements in materials testing and analysis.
The instruments, equipments and various laboratory set-ups available at Luma Metall includes as shown below.
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
AAS is used for quantitative determination of elemental composition of an analyte in solution. The technique is based on absorption of light. The absorption is specific for each particular element and is detected.
Hollow cathode lamps are today available at Luma Metall to study Au, Ag, Ni, Fe and Cu in an air acetylene flame. The detection limit is of ppb. The air acetylene mix is the preferable flame for determination of about 35 elements.
The AAnalyst 200 is easy to use and is a suitable choice for metal analyses, process control.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
2 types of SEM microscopes are available at Luma Metall:
JCM 6000 (table top) and JSM IT-100 (stationary)
JCM 6000 has EDS analysis possibilities, to quantitatively determine elemental concentrations in a solid sample.
Magnifications of 40 000 – 60 000 times are possible. Secondary and back scatter electron modes are available. The secondary mode gives topographic information and the back scatter mode gives an atomic number contrast. Low vacuum mode can be used if low conducting specimen is to be studied.
The SEM analysis can give information about;
• Topography and morphology
• Orientation of grains , phases
• Chemistry
• Surface defects and failure mechanism
The maximum specimen size is about 50 mm x 70 mm.
Climatic Test cabinet
A climate chamber VCL 4003 is available at Luma Metall. This is a temperature and a temperature and humidity test cabinet.
t = (-)40 °C – 180 °C.
For climatic tests;
t = 10 °C – 95 °C and the relative humidity that can be used is 10 % rh – 95 % rh.
Tensile test machine
The tensile tester is a Z2.5 TN table top machine from Zwick; the maximum load available is 1 kN and the maximum testing speed is 800 mm/min.
The Tensile tester is used to test core/final material tensile strength and the adhesion of applied coatings.
The test results are evaluated automatically.
Laser equipment for ovality measurements
Laser equipment, model LDS0200, from Cersa – MCI is easy to use and show excellent metrology performances. The LDS0200 is not sensitive to wire vibration.
The measuring range is between 5 to 200 µm and the repeatability of the measurements is
± 0.03 %.
Light optical microscope (LOM)
Reflected Light Microscope, Axiolab A from Zeiss, for metallographic studies is available at Luma Metall, with a maximum magnification of 500 times.